This means that if you run out of lives right at the final boss battle in that area, then you’re SOL and have to replay the stage. The game’s multi-tiered stages have checkpoints in the sense that if you die and have a continue, you merely resume with partial health unless you have a health pick-up – but a game over sends you back to the main overworld map no matter how far along in the stage you are. It may seem like a “get good” situation, but you can leave a shop and then get smacked around by a single combo for a loss of 25 HP pretty easily, and that’s not counting spike traps and other hazards later on that are designed to eat your virtual quarters up.
The problem is that early-on, you’re quite underpowered and it takes a good hour or so of grinding to get your stats up to where you can absorb a solid amount of damage. In theory, you should be able to do a straight run from stage to stage without the game crushing you completely. It’s incredible satisfying to feel your chosen character get stronger – but there is definitely a bit too much grinding required to make steady progress through the game. The shopping district in particular is a great place to kill some time since you can take out a bunch of enemies and then farm them for money to earn a bunch of health, XP boosts, move upgrades, or a combination of them. It’s fun to take out enemies and then go shopping and see what you can get. Taking out enemies is pretty satisfying, especially since they drop cash and when the screen is cleared out, you have a chance to soak in the atmosphere and explore the world a bit with some backtracking. You also have the chance to go from a mid-air juggle to beating up your surrounding rivals and if you get surrounded, you have a right bumper attack to use to take out a few people at once. Starting a melee with a running heavy attack and then keeping it going with light attacks is the easiest way to do it.
Mid-air juggles are also a blast and you have a wide variety of attacks to use to initiate them and keep them going. Even now, you don’t see games allowing you to beat THAT much crap out of your enemies. Those moments are rare, but they’re ton of fun and allow you to get a thrill that you really don’t get from other games. When you get into a groove after stunning an opponent, you can lay them out with massive combos – which can rack up into the hundreds if you’re able to go from enemy to enemy to enemy. It’s clear early on that this isn’t your average brawler. Things start off serene enough as you go through the streets of Toronto and beat folks up around a neighborhood – all the while tackling bullies, dogs, and even engaging in a snowball fight. The “evil exes” themselves are a tremendous group of characters from a visual standpoint and really work out nicely when it comes to having each stage they’re in look and truly feel different. Since the story itself is also about Scott bettering himself, you also have an in-canon reason for things like XP boosts, being that he’s gaining more skills and confidence as time goes on.
Scott battles tons of foes throughout the city of Toronto and just like the River City Ransom games, you can boost your stats by buying items and become more powerful by purchasing move upgrades. It’s influenced the most in its format and overall game feel by the Kunio-Kun/River City Ransom games and could easily be mistaken as a ROM hack had one existed for a 32-bit entry in the series. The World: The Game is a beat ‘em up and one of the best ever in the genre. The game took advantage of its platform to tell the story in a different way and worked for both franchise veterans and newcomers alike. In developing the game, the basic framework of Scott trying to defeat his wannabe-girlfriend Ramona’s exes was maintained – while the execution was altogether different from either prior medium. The comic books were somewhat niche and beloved and the major motion picture was well-regarded, but wasn’t seen as this end-all/be-all creation either. With this game, Ubisoft set out to please gamers and craft something that could work as a gateway game for the franchise if you hadn’t seen anything else from it. Normally, licensed games have a fairly narrow appeal when they’re based on an existing media property and they’re targeting fans of that property alone.
The World: The Game was something that transcended the franchise in both comic book and movie form, and became something all its own. The original release of Scott Pilgrim vs.